Thursday, August 6, 2009

VBS 2009!

T and K enjoyed VBS very much! L didn't want me to leave her, so she just hung out with me. I think the 10-day separation was a bit much for her:) So, she and I enjoyed hanging out with friends, taking pictures, and walking down to the snack shack to get snowballs (a.k.a. snow cones).

The 2nd night of VBS was the day I returned home from Peru! When I walked in my mind was flooded with many thoughts when I saw all the teachers dressed up, and all the elaborate decorations. I was reminded how little the Peruvian churches have in comparison to most churches in the U.S. I was reminded how content, thankful, and joyful the Peruvian children were with a simple coloring sheet and ONE single piece of candy. Part of me felt a little guiltly, and greatly saddened by the amount of money our church (and many others) spend on one week of VBS. Don't get me wrong, I think VBS is great! But, I do think sometimes we overspend and lose sight of the MOST important thing in the midst of the decorations, costumes, crafts, and music. The most important thing is Jesus Christ - sharing His love and His saving message! How I pray the children who attended our VBS truly understand who Jesus is and what He has done for them!

I know my children learned a lot, and had wonderful teachers. I am thankful!


Sandra said...

Most of the decorations were passed around a few churches! That way more kids get to enjoy them. So glad T and K had a good time!

Bro. Heath said...

Even though decorations were passed around, the point remains that we think certain things are "required" for kids to learn about Jesus. Nikki's trip to Peru certainly blows that perception out of the water!