Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving Projects

This week, we're taking a break from the books, and simply having fun as a family while we do activities together to plan for our Thanksgiving celebration! Kaitlyn made place cards for our family. She was very creative, and I think she did an amazing job! We made and decorated sugar cookies. I was most impressed with my son's decorative skills. He wanted his cookies to look just like some pumpkin cookies he enjoyed last month at his AWANA club meeting!

We are also reading "The Landing of the Pilgrims" written and illustrated by James Daugherty, and "The Thanksgiving Story" by Alice Dalgliesh.

We also plan on writing some poetry and stories to go along with our Thanksgiving theme.

Kaitlyn's place cards

1 comment:

Jessica said...

oh my word! how cute! I am going to have Allison make placecards for our dinner! I have left over feathers from last year! you are so smart! I love getting ideas from you. I only wish we were having Thanksgiving dinner together..then dessert with our chai tea latte....((tear))